A rhythm is a succession, a row, a succession: the series of strokes of a stick on the drum, of steps on a terrain, of events.
And these events can happen regularly or randomly.
We plant a stick on the shore. We report every time a wave comes to touch it, every time it is lapped by the waves of the sea. This is a rhythm that orders natural events. A "found rhythm".
We report the occurrence of each event with a faint light signal placed on the stick we planted.
So we plant nine more sticks, at a certain distance from each other and from the first, and also to these we apply the soft light of an LED.
Each of them will signal when the stick itself will be touched by a sea wave.
If we distance ourselves a bit until we have all our sticks with our eyes, we can observe them as many fireflies on the seashore, as a choreography of lights, but we know that these lights make us evident the rhythmic and continuous movement of the sea. They are pseudorandom events that signal us, but they are a rhythm, they mark and accompany the passage of time.
Meditation is just an exercise, training, individual and collective practice to get in touch more consciously both with the naked feeling of the passing of time, both with the aesthetic possibilities of the rhythmic elements that characterize our external and internal environment.
Just stop, listen and watch,
leave your mind free to wander.
Meditation on Sea Waves draws inspiration from some works of the composer Albert Mayr of the 70s and 80s of the last century.